Action PA4 Educate the population about the protection of marine mammals (priority 1)

Emergence de bébés tortues luth - Emergence of baby leatherback turtles
Emergence de bébés tortues luth - Emergence of baby leatherback turtles

Ensure communications campaigns for awareness and education about the environment

Sea turtles at Orient Bay: restaurants educated on good behavior

As part of the agreement signed with Sindextour, the company that manages the five restaurants on the beach in Orient Bay, the employees of these restaurants attended a training session on February 24, 2021. They have been made aware of the correct behavior to adopt when a sea turtle comes to the beach to lay its eggs, following all the steps from the rise of the turtle toward the top of the beach to the emergence of the baby turtles.

All articles from: Newsletter-39

Long Term Goal N°5 : Hospitality and Activities Services - PA

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