Action MS31 To Develop and Reinforce Partnerships Between the Collectivity and French Government Services

Last but not least, the management association for La Réserve Naturelle de Saint-Martin has been recognized by prefectural decree as an environmental protection association (Decree 2021-105).

This recognition bestowed on the management association for La Réserve Naturelle de Saint-Martin primarily provides facilitated access to information and meetings of public organizations whose subjects are related to environmental conservation. The association also now has legal presumption to protect its interests before administrative courts, and can more easily engage in civil action—or institute civil action proceedings and injunctions in civil court. Finally, the management association also has greater leeway in going before a criminal judge to request compensation for damages resulting from infractions (L142-2 in the environmental code). The list of associations recognized for environmental projection can be found online: http://www.guadeloupe.developpement-durable.

All articles from: Newsletter-39

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