Action SP1 Surveillance patrols in marine, terrestrial, and coastal areas of the RNN

Une tourterelle - A turtledove
Une tourterelle - A turtledove

During the first quarter of 2021, the technical office and the nature police of La Réserve Naturelle ran 178 control patrols: 79 patrols on land and 99 at sea. Of these, 30 controls were judged non-conforming: 16 on land and 14 at sea. Three reports were made for infractions.

Action SP2 Continue and Reinforce Missions by the Environmental Police

A decree to regulate hunting

On May 6 2021, as a local ornithology expert, Julien Chalifour participated in a video conference oganized by the OFB, on behalf of the Departmental Commission For Hunting and Wildlife for the islands of Saint Martin and Guadeloupe. A report on hunting logs and police action related to hunting – controls and fines – was presented, as well as a look at the production of scientific knowlegde on the kinds and numbers of species hunted. At the end of the meeting, it was decided to continue the dialogue in order to outline a proposition for an annual decree that would govern hunting during the 2001- 2022 season, between July 25, 2021 and January 2, 2022. This decree would define the hunting season, conditions, huntable species, and eventual quotas. Few hunting licenses are requested in Saint Martin, where people hunt ducks, turtledoves, pigeons, mockingbirds… The same is not true in Guadeloupe, but in both cases, hunting quotas are limited for certain species if their numbers are considered too low. Hunters from Guadeloupe sometimes come to Saint Martin, where the birds are less fearful than those in Guadeloupe. Remember that all hunting is forbidden in La Réserve Naturelle!

Panneaux solaires sur l’îlet Pinel - Solar Panels on Pinel Islet

All articles from: Newsletter-39

Long Term Goal N°2 : Surveillance by Territorial Environmental Police - SP

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