Bye-Bye ruins at Galion

Ruines de l’ancien hôtel au Galion | Ruins of the old hotel at Galion
Ruines de l’ancien hôtel au Galion | Ruins of the old hotel at Galion

The ruins of the old hotel near the beach at Galion will soon be nothing but a disgraceful memory.

The demolition process is underway with two companies doing the work. The first is in charge of removing asbestos from the site, and will come from Martinique. This work, which should take about two months, will begin in April, and the asbestos debris will be sent to France by boat for recycling. The second company will continue the actual demolition by the end of the summer in order to clear the entire site by the end of 2016. The goal of the Conservatoire du Littoral in this project is to restore the damaged areas on this magnificent site and maintain its natural assets, while also planning on improvements to welcome the public. During the work, the Conservatoire will meet with the Collectivité and various users of the site, in order to establish partnerships. A first authorization for temporary occupancy was signed by the Collectivité for the installation of a first-aid station near the floating swimming pool.

All articles from: Newsletter-25

Restoration Of Degraded Areas And Populations

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