Invited to the Senate by senator Michel Magras, president of the overseas commission, and by the French Agency for Biodiversity, Nicolas Maslach actively participated in a symposium on June 6, 2019, on the biodiversity of the Atlantic basin, which was also attended by Annick Girardin, French Overseas Minister. This symposium was part of a cycle on overseas biodiversity, intended to make politicians aware of the assets and weaknesses of the natural heritage in these far-off islands, as well as the stakes, challenges, and perspectives to be considered. The director of the Réserve Naturelle spoke on two subjects, each illustrated by a video. The first was a look at BioHab2, the artificial habitat submerged in the waters of the Réserve and constituted of post-Irma debris, decontaminated if necessary and recycled. Today, these innovative structures allow fish and crustaceans to take refuge and improve their conditions for survival. The second presentation by Nicolas Maslach addressed the Caribbean Institute for Insular Biodiversity. The video for this presentation can be found online:
Double Presentation By the Réserve In the Senate
Nicolas Maslach à la tribune, au Sénat Renforcer

Nicolas Maslach speaking at the Senate