Nurse sharks: silence, camera rolling!

Requin nourrice | Nurse shark
Requin nourrice | Nurse shark

Nicolas Boudin, a 20 year-old scientific student in the «Sea and Littoral Technician Program” at the University of the Littoral Opal Coast in Calais, is researching why nurse sharks gather in large numbers every summer,

especially near Galion, as well as Green Cay, or White Bay at Tintamare. These mysterious aggregations take place from mid-July through the month of September, and the placement of underwater cameras will certainly allow for increased knowledge about this species. Keeping in mind that man is the primary predator of nurse sharks - and bullhead sharks - that feed on small fish, squid, and crustaceans. As an intern from May 30 through September 28, 2016, Nicolas first set up a follow-up protocol, an indispensable step before working in the field. He is working with the French West Indies Shark Network, coordinated and run by the association, Kap Natirel.

Requin nourrice | Nurse shark
Requin nourrice | Nurse shark

All articles from: Newsletter-26

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