The Reserve present at the RNF Congress in Banyuls

La commission outre-mer au sein de RNF
Romain Renoux a participé à bord d’un autogyre à la surveillance aérienne des mammifères marins pendant la Karujet 2014 Romain Renoux went on board an autogyro for an aerial surveillance of marine mammals during Karujet 2014

Nicolas Maslach, Director of the Reserve and Franck Roncuzzi, Head of the Technical Division and Nature Protection Unit, went to Banyuls (Eastern Pyrenees) at the end of April to attend the annual congress for French Nature Reserves (Réserves naturelles de France – RNF), where they met with over 400 other participants. The project to create a National Biodiversity Agency was presented at the auditorium, and in the near future it will bring together all the establishments working in favor of the environment. Nicolas Maslach and Franck Roncuzzi are both part of the Overseas Commission at the RNF and exchanged workshops with their peers.

All articles from: Newsletter-20

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