A new road...

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La nouvelle route vers l’écosite, à flan de colline - The new road towards the eco-site (ex dump) up on the hill
La nouvelle route vers l’écosite, à flan de colline - The new road towards the eco-site (ex dump) up on the hill

Necessity rules: a new road was built on the flank of the hillside above the beach in Grandes Cayes, replacing the old “road to the dump”. Requested for years by the Réserve Naturelle, this new route provides direct, permanent access to the eco-site. The Collectivité authorized its creation after Irma, at the request of Jean-Pierre Tey, director of the eco-site, since the original road was impossible to use, broken all the way to the rock or covered with sand. A military engineer supervised the roadwork, with the help of his men and materials. The edges of the beach in Grandes Cayes should eventually recover their natural, undeveloped aspects, characteristic of the zone and its classification as a nature reserve.

All articles from: Journal-30


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